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We know that habits shape who we are.  That is why, as a community, we are focusing on developing habits that will transform us to become more and more like Jesus. 

One of the habits that we are focusing on is prayer.  Prayer can be confusing, frustrating, intimating and many other words all wrapped up in one.  Below are resources to help you as you develop the habit of prayer.

Remember that the main goal of prayer is to be with and know God.




Go to the Prayer Course and watch teaching on what prayer is, how to pray and why some prayers are left unanswered.


Look at these different bible reading plans about prayer


Prayer Revolution

Prayer Basics

The Pilgrim's Prayer



The Lord's Prayer

Our Father…”

  • Take a moment and think about the idea of God as your Father, with good intentions toward you.

“In heaven…” 

  • Take a moment to think about the idea that God is all around you.

“Hallowed by your name…”

  • Spend a few minutes just sitting with the Father in joyful, grateful, worship. You might want to sit in silence for a few moments. Or sing a chorus. Or rattle off a list of things you’re grateful for. Or praise God with specific things you love about him.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven…”

  • Spend a few minutes asking for God’s will to be done in your city/church/community/life.

  • Think of specific things to pray for.

“Give us each day our daily bread…”

  • Spend a few minutes praying for specific needs and wants in your life or that of your community.

  • This is also a great time to pray over specific people in the community who need something: a job, healing, wisdom to make a decision, etc.

“Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors…”

  • Spend a few minutes in quiet asking God for forgiveness for specific areas in your life, and releasing others to forgiveness.

“And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.”

  • Spend a few minutes praying against temptation (the word can also be translated trouble) in your life.

    • Pray against specific sins….

    • Pray against any kind of evil - spiritual evil (demonic), human evil, natural evil, etc.



During this time, focus directly on God, adoring Him for Who He is-- His
names, His character, His roles, etc. Worship and praise God with your
heart, mind, and voice.



As we remember who God is in adoration, we are reminded of who we are. We are fallen people who sin, have  shame, and guilt. So, confession is the natural next step in this prayer model. We can ask God to search us and show us where we have fallen short. Then let’s ask Jesus to honestly deal with our sin.


This is a time for prayers of thanks for what God has done. Thank Him for
salvation, the many blessings in your life, protection, provision, open doors,
opportunities, and His gifts to man.


Prayers of requests. This is the time to ask God for His help to meet
needs, solve problems, work in someone's life, etc.

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